LastModified $Date: 2003/02/02 14:36:18 $
class/module name | C Type | Status | Comments |
Gtk::AccelGroup | GtkAccelGroup | O | Keyboard Accelerator Groups |
Gtk::Accelerator | GtkAccelerator | O | As moduleKeyboard Accelerator Groups |
Gtk::AccelMap | Accelerator Maps | # | As module |
Gtk::AccelGroupEntry | GtkAccelGroupEntry | O | |
Gtk::AccelKey | GtkAccelKey | O | |
Gtk::Object | GtkObject | # | |
Gtk::Widget | GtkWidget | # | |
Gtk::Misc | GtkMisc | O | |
Gtk::Label | GtkLabel | O | |
Gtk::AccelLabel | GtkAccelLabel | O | |
Gtk::Arrow | GtkArrow | O | |
Gtk::Image | GtkImage | O | |
Gtk::Container | GtkContainer | # | |
Gtk::Bin | GtkBin | O | |
Gtk::Alignment | GtkAlignment | O | |
Gtk::Frame | GtkFrame | O | |
Gtk::AspectFrame | GtkAspectFrame | O | |
Gtk::Button | GtkButton | O | |
Gtk::ToggleButton | GtkToggleButton | O | |
Gtk::CheckButton | GtkCheckButton | O | |
Gtk::RadioButton | GtkRadioButton | O | |
Gtk::OptionMenu | GtkOptionMenu | O | |
Gtk::Item | GtkItem | O | |
Gtk::MenuItem | GtkMenuItem | O | |
Gtk::CheckMenuItem | GtkCheckMenuItem | O | |
Gtk::RadioMenuItem | GtkRadioMenuItem | O | |
Gtk::ImageMenuItem | GtkImageMenuItem | O | |
Gtk::SeparatorMenuItem | GtkSeparatorMenuItem | O | |
Gtk::TearoffMenuItem | GtkTearoffMenuItem | O | |
Gtk::Window | GtkWindow | # | |
Gtk::Dialog | GtkDialog | O | |
Gtk::ColorSelectionDialog | GtkColorSelectionDialog | # | |
Gtk::FileSelection | GtkFileSelection | # | |
Gtk::FontSelectionDialog | GtkFontSelectionDialog | O | |
Gtk::InputDialog | GtkInputDialog | O | |
Gtk::MessageDialog | GtkMessageDialog | O | |
Gtk::Plug | GtkPlug | # | |
Gtk::EventBox | GtkEventBox | O | |
Gtk::HandleBox | GtkHandleBox | O | |
Gtk::ScrolledWindow | GtkScrolledWindow | O | |
Gtk::Viewport | GtkViewport | O | |
Gtk::Box | GtkBox | O | |
Gtk::ButtonBox | GtkButtonBox | O | |
Gtk::HButtonBox | GtkHButtonBox | O | |
Gtk::VButtonBox | GtkVButtonBox | O | |
Gtk::VBox | GtkVBox | O | |
Gtk::ColorSelection | GtkColorSelection | # | |
Gtk::FontSelection | GtkFontSelection | O | |
Gtk::GammaCurve | GtkGammaCurve | O | Will this be obsoleted by GTK+? |
Gtk::HBox | GtkHBox | O | |
Gtk::Combo | GtkCombo | O | |
Gtk::Statusbar | GtkStatusbar | O | |
Gtk::Fixed | GtkFixed | O | |
Gtk::Paned | GtkPaned | O | |
Gtk::HPaned | GtkHPaned | O | |
Gtk::VPaned | GtkVPaned | O | |
Gtk::Layout | GtkLayout | O | |
Gtk::MenuShell | GtkMenuShell | O | |
Gtk::MenuBar | GtkMenuBar | O | |
Gtk::Menu | GtkMenu | # | |
Gtk::Notebook | GtkNotebook | # | Include Gtk::NotebookPage |
Gtk::Socket | GtkSocket | O | |
Gtk::Table | GtkTable | O | |
Gtk::TextView | GtkTextView | O | |
Gtk::Toolbar | GtkToolbar | O | |
Gtk::TreeView | GtkTreeView | # | |
Gtk::Calendar | GtkCalendar | O | |
Gtk::DrawingArea | GtkDrawingArea | O | |
Gtk::Curve | GtkCurve | O | |
Gtk::Entry | GtkEntry | O | |
Gtk::SpinButton | GtkSpinButton | O | |
Gtk::Ruler | GtkRuler | O | |
Gtk::HRuler | GtkHRuler | O | |
Gtk::VRuler | GtkVRuler | O | |
Gtk::Range | GtkRange | O | |
Gtk::Scale | GtkScale | O | |
Gtk::HScale | GtkHScale | O | |
Gtk::VScale | GtkVScale | O | |
Gtk::Scrollbar | GtkScrollbar | O | |
Gtk::HScrollbar | GtkHScrollbar | O | |
Gtk::VScrollbar | GtkVScrollbar | O | |
Gtk::Separator | GtkSeparator | O | |
Gtk::HSeparator | GtkHSeparator | O | |
Gtk::VSeparator | GtkVSeparator | O | |
Gtk::Invisible | GtkInvisible | # | |
Gtk::Progress | GtkProgress | O | |
Gtk::ProgressBar | GtkProgressBar | O | |
Gtk::Adjustment | GtkAdjustment | O | |
Gtk::CellRenderer | GtkCellRenderer | O | |
Gtk::CellRendererPixbuf | GtkCellRendererPixbuf | O | |
Gtk::CellRendererText | GtkCellRendererText | O | |
Gtk::CellRendererToggle | GtkCellRendererToggle | O | |
Gtk::ItemFactory | GtkItemFactory | # | Almost done. Shouldn't we implement other methods? |
Gtk::Tooltips | GtkTooltips | O | |
Gtk::TreeViewColumn | GtkTreeViewColumn | # | |
Gtk::Accessible | GtkAccessible | - | AtkObject |
Gtk::IMContext | GtkIMContext | - | |
Gtk::IMContextSimple | GtkIMContextSimple | - | |
Gtk::IMMulticontext | GtkIMMulticontext | - | |
Gtk::ListStore | GtkListStore | # | |
Gtk::RcStyle | GtkRcStyle | - | |
Gtk::RC | Resource Files | # | As module. |
Gtk::Settings | GtkSettings | - | |
Gtk::SizeGroup | GtkSizeGroup | O | |
Gtk::Style | GtkStyle | # | |
Gtk::TextBuffer | GtkTextBuffer | # | |
Gtk::TextChildAnchor | GtkTextChildAnchor | O | |
Gtk::TextMark | GtkTextMark | O | |
Gtk::TextIter | GtkTextIter | O | |
Gtk::TextTag | GtkTextTag | # | |
Gtk::TextAttributes | GtkTextAttributes | O | |
Gtk::TextTagTable | GtkTextTagTable | O | |
Gtk::TreeModelSort | GtkTreeModelSort | - | |
Gtk::TreeSelection | GtkTreeSelection | # | |
Gtk::TreeStore | GtkTreeStore | # | |
Gtk::TreeIter | GtkTreeIter | # | |
Gtk::TreeSortable | GtkTreeSortable | - | |
Gtk::TreeModelSort | GtkTreeModelSort | - | |
Gtk::WindowGroup | GtkWindowGroup | O | |
Gtk module | Main loop and Events | # | |
Gtk module(constants) | Standard Enumerations | O | |
Gtk::Editable | - | # | As module |
Gtk::CellEditable | - | O | As module |
Gtk::Clipboard | GtkClipboard | # | |
Gtk::Drag | Drag and Drop | # | As module |
Gtk::Stock | Stock Items | O | As module |
Gtk::IconFactory | GtkIconFactory | O | |
Gtk::IconSet | GtkIconSet | O | |
Gtk::IconSource | GtkIconSource | O | |
Gtk::IconSize | Themeable Stock Images | O | As module |
Gtk::Binding | Bindings | - | |
Gtk::GC | Graphics Contexts | - | |
Gtk::Selection | Selections | # | |
Gtk::TargetList | Selections | - | |
Gtk::SelectionData | Selections | # | |
Gtk::TreeDrag? | GtkTreeView drag-and-drop | - |